One of the things we truly appreciate about Montana is our Montana State Baptist Convention of churches and pastors. We are a close-knit group with gifted and encouraging leadership in Bro. Fred, Dave, Stan, and Sam. There are no ladders to climb here... no competition between churches and pastors... we are all on the same battlefield striving to be what God wants us to be and allowing Him to use us to dispel the spiritual darkness in this place. We are so blessed to be part of this group of fellow-ministers and always enjoy times of fellowship together. This year’s annual meeting was an incredible time of fellowship, training, and encouragement.
We just have to include a couple of personal stories. Do you remember the young girl who visited LIGHT one Wednesday and her first question was if she could curse in church?! We try to speak to her any time we see her in town or at school activities. Well, we ran into her last week at a community event. It was cold and rainy and she was without a coat. One of our mission teams had brought a bag of brand new coats from Kohl’s this summer and we still had 4 in our truck to give away. She came over and visited a few minutes, found a coat to fit and seemed very grateful.
We then got to briefly meet her mother and let them know we had been praying for the younger son who had been seriously injured in a wood cutting accident. This was a divine relationship-building contact for which we are thankful and continue to pray for this girl and her family.
We had to rejoice together this Sunday when Mr. Leroy finally came to services in Haugan! He is the older gentleman who lives more or less as a hermit on the mountain above DeBorgia. About a year ago he began to come to the Food Pantry each month and to Soup Days every week unless he was in the hospital. Several of our couples have been helping him with wood for the winter and taking food if he is unable to get here. Also we had bee visiting him in the hospital off and on. Found out he had been saved as a young man, but had just walked away from the Lord and isolated himself from everything and everyone. So, it was a great thrill to see him come on Sunday morning. Please help us pray that he will continue to make progress in body and spirit!
Ladies’ Nite Out was a real treat for us! Sorry guys, this was ladies only time. We opted for a “fall harvest” theme with 17 ladies coming out to enjoy themselves. It was a night for deluxe chicken tortilla soup with chips and cheese, key lime or chocolate turtle cream pie, lip gloss for all, and give-aways! A little bit of personal tid-bits around each table and just chat time. Then we delved into a Scripture Activity revealing Satan’s lies vs. God’s Truth. Followed by a study in I Chronicles 28:1-10 with a focus on verse 9 and How to Become a Woman After God’s Own Heart: 1) Acknowledge God; 2) Give God your whole heart; and 3) Serve God with a willing spirit. You get the idea...
And, of course, Fall Returns... the majestic, awesome handiwork of God surrounds us and we are always mindful of it. However, as the trees turn and the leaves change colors the Providential artwork takes our breath away! We never get tired of the changing seasons. And, of course, it also means that snow is on its way! We are facing our third winter in the 5th wheel and have done what preparation we can to get ready for this winter season. Our God is an AWESOME GOD!
With Thanks and Blessings...
• Many of you stand with us in prayer... we are so deeply grateful for you.
• Others also give faithfully and sacrificially to financially support the work here... we could never adequately thank you. We are humbled at your partnership and rejoice that you are His heart and His hands here in western Montana!
• The coming of our first grandbaby in December... in Uganda!
• Evidence of God’s work in the lives of individuals and families in this valley.
Please Join Us to Pray for...
1. Teenagers, children, moms, dads, and families throughout this valley – for “the strong man” to be bound and strongholds to be torn down so they can be convicted of sin and convinced of God’s great love and mercy to change their lives!
2. Alan as he prepares for knee surgery on November 9th and a 6-8 week recovery period. We need God’s grace and healing Hand.
3. Food Pantry & Thanksgiving Basket: The neediest time of the year is upon us. Each month we feed several families in dire need within our community. It is increasingly difficult to stock the Food Pantry, please pray with us that God will be our sufficiency. Also, our goal this year is to deliver at least ten Thanksgiving baskets. We currently have food supplies for 1 full basket, 2 partial baskets, and funds for 4 additional baskets. So, we have a way to go to meet the needs and our goal. We are taking donations of $28 per individual or couple and $50 per family of 4 or more.
4. God’s complete provision for:
• furnishings, equipment, supplies, and materials for the church start in St Regis (Praise: God has provided TV carts)
• the monthly building payment in St Regis ($350 is being received toward this, New Day Network is meeting the balance as long as we can)
• the Resource Center on the 3rd Thursday of each month (free food and clothing) It is always a challenge to get this stocked with food each month. We have plenty of winter clothing right now and are still screening and sorting, so we are thankful for that.
• the need for new people to join our monthly support team (several of our donors have had to stop giving recently) Just so you know, all money received goes to New Day Network Ministry for program and ministry needs, when these are taken care of then a salary is given, when available.
• utilities, food and materials for weekly ministry in both locations
• God to make a way to pay off the building in St Regis
• God’s Spirit to protect every aspect of New Day Network Ministry and New Day Fellowship from any confusion or ungodly influence
• The possibility of a lot and house in St Regis to call home (we know this will be a total work of God)
Matthew 4:16
“... the people dwelling in darkness have seen a great light,
and for those dwelling in the region and shadow of death, on them a light has dawned."
As always... please send all prayers directly to our heavenly Father!
... Any financial gifts may be sent to:
PO Box 420013
Haugan MT 59842
[or online @ and click the donate tab]
NOTE: All gifts are tax deductible.div>